A blog is an online journal where vital informations are stored.
The act of writing about your passion online is called Blogging. Blogging started as an opportunity for individuals to write about their passion.The original name for blog is weblog. Actually the name blog was shortened.
Like most internet-based innovations, many entrepreneurs saw marketing potential in having a blog, and the adoption of blogging among the business community helped further increase the popularity of the medium. Not only can a blog be used for marketing a business, but it can also become a home business in and of itself.
4 Easy steps in creating a blog with blogger
There are thousands of blog sites but blogger and WordPress is the best blogging platform out of all. Here are 4 Easy steps in creating a Blog 👇
1. Visit www.blogger.com
Blogger is one of the most famous website/blog creator that allows you to publish your passion your way.
2. Create your blog
This is the easiest way to publish and promote your passion on air.
In creating a blog, their are few things that are needed:
* Blog name
* Blog address
* E-mail address
Once you have all these credentials, you are good to go.
Note: When creating a blog, *plan on a particular thing you want to blog about (Niche). Always make sure that your Niche tarries with the web address.
*Choose the perfect design
Create a beautiful blog that fits your style. Choose from a selection of easy-to-use templates – all with flexible layouts and hundreds of background images – or design something new.
*Get a free domain
Give your blog the perfect home. Get a free blogspot.com domain or buy a custom domain with just a few clicks.
Earn money
As a blogger, you are entitled to earn money from your blog.
Two ways by which you can earn from your blog are:
• Through Google AdSense
Get paid for your hard work. Google AdSense can automatically display relevant targeted ads on your blog so that you can earn income by posting about your passion.
• Through Bitcoin
You can earn massively from Bitcoin by just advertising their site on your blog. They pay you when individuals visit their site through your site.
3. Go to Settings
This is a part in blogger where you organize your site and make it look attractive to visitors/audience.
4. Publish your first post
Publish means to prepare something for public use. When creating a post in your blog, make sure your content is of *Great quality,
*Contains pictures and videos.
Some of the things that attracts visitors are:
•videos and
• An attractive heading.
Note: The quality of your content determines how much audience it attracts.
Know your audience
Find out which posts are a hit with Blogger’s built-in analytics. You’ll see where your audience is coming from and what they’re interested in. You can even connect your blog directly to Google Analytics for a more detailed look.
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4 Easy steps in creating a blog
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