Tips:(How to earn on Fiverr) Article/video Skip to main content

4 Easy steps in creating a Blog- Create your Blog

  WHAT IS A BLOG  A blog is an online journal where vital informations are stored. The act of writing about your passion online is called Blogging . Blogging started as an opportunity for individuals to write about their passion.The original name for blog is weblog . Actually the name blog was shortened. Like most internet-based innovations, many entrepreneurs saw marketing potential in having a blog, and the adoption of blogging among the business community helped further increase the popularity of the medium. Not only can a blog be used for marketing a business, but it can also become a home business in and of itself. 4 Easy steps in creating a blog with blogger There are thousands of blog sites but blogger and WordPress is the best blogging platform out of all. Here are 4 Easy steps in creating a Blog 👇 1. Visit Blogger is one of the most famous website/blog creator that allows you to publish your passion your way. 2. Create your blog This is the eas...

Tips:(How to earn on Fiverr) Article/video

  Telecommuting has been a source of income to many. One of the world’s best online marketplace where you can showoff your skills and earn income.

What Is Fiverr?

Fiverr is an online marketplace where skills are made moneyđź’°. Fiverr's platform connects businesses with on-demand freelance talent offering digital services in more than 400 categories, across 8 verticals including graphic design, digital marketing, programming, video and animation.

How Does Fiverr Work?

There are things you love doing (skill)that people find important. Fiverr will help and allows you earn money from that skill.list them as gigs. Whether it’s copywriting, web design, social media marketing or video editing, you can start selling and as well making money from your skill.

To better understand how Fiverr works, there are two parties involved: 

  • Sellers: A seller is anyone looking to sell a service to earn money. Simply put, sellers are freelancers showcasing their skills and services to prospective buyers. A seller lists their services on Fiverr alongside the amount they’d like to be paid. Depending on your experience and the service you’re offering, you can expect buyers to buy your gig anytime.
  • Buyers: A buyer is anyone looking to purchase a service on the platform. Buyers can use the search tool to browse seller profiles and find the ones that meet their requirements before placing an order. The bottom line is that buyers hire sellers to accomplish specific tasks.

How To Start Selling on Fiverr


The process of setting up and making money on Fiverr is easy. Here are four steps to help you get started.

1. Sign Up on Fiverr

Fiverr is only available to registered users. You’ll need to sign up as a seller by filling out your personal information. Fiverr will send you a confirmation link via email. Once you confirm your account, you can go ahead and create a seller profile.

2. Set Up a Seller Profile

Profile setup is a very crucial thing to do because it help showoff your skills and experience to potential buyers. The way you present your profile determines whether buyers will order your gigs.


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3. Create a Gig

Once you are done creating your profile the next thing to do is to create your first gig. A gig is a job description you can use to showoff your services to buyers. Each gig requires you to fill out basic information about your services, including:

An Overview

When you click “create a new gig,” the first section you’ll need to fill out is the overview. You’ll need to provide information for the following section

  • Gig title: Tell your prospective buyers what you have to offer.
  • Category: Select a category and subcategory that fits the service you’re offering.
  • Service type: Choose the service you’d like to offer buyers.
  • Gig metadata: Choose options that would make your gig stand out.
  • Search tags: Choose keywords that can help your gig rank higher when buyers search for the service.


    Fiverr uses packages as the pricing structure for selling services on the platform. Packages let sellers combine a basic gig with built-in revisions and other extras to create an offer that gives buyers what they want.

    Pricing a package usually works like this:

    • In the “name your package” field, give the section an attractive title. If you want to use the three sections, give each one a unique name.
    • Describe the services that you would offer to buyers and choose the delivery time. The delivery time should be constant or in ascending order.
    • Choose the number of revisions you can provide to the buyer and the total price for each section in ascending order.
    • You can choose to include extra services or omit them altogether.

    Description and FAQ

    In the description section, explain what your gig entails in the best way possible. Fill in the area for frequently asked questions by answering questions you think the buyer might want to know about the services you offer.


    In this section, fill out what you want the buyer to provide before you begin the project.


    Add images or videos that resonate with the gig you’ve created. You can download free stock images or create a video to promote your gig.


    When you’re done filling in all of the gig information and you’re sure it looks good, click on “Publish.” Once you do, the gig will go live and buyers will be able to find it.


     4.Market your gig

    Once you’ve published your gig, you can market it across social media. You can also send offers to buyers who post a request.

    Watch Video 👇How to earn money on Fiverr

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