WHAT IS A BLOG A blog is an online journal where vital informations are stored. The act of writing about your passion online is called Blogging . Blogging started as an opportunity for individuals to write about their passion.The original name for blog is weblog . Actually the name blog was shortened. Like most internet-based innovations, many entrepreneurs saw marketing potential in having a blog, and the adoption of blogging among the business community helped further increase the popularity of the medium. Not only can a blog be used for marketing a business, but it can also become a home business in and of itself. 4 Easy steps in creating a blog with blogger There are thousands of blog sites but blogger and WordPress is the best blogging platform out of all. Here are 4 Easy steps in creating a Blog 👇 1. Visit www.blogger.com Blogger is one of the most famous website/blog creator that allows you to publish your passion your way. 2. Create your blog This is the eas...
Every successful business has it's own secret. Here are few tips to a successful business 👇 1. MAKE PLANS Making plans is one of the fastest way to grow any business. In time past, many businesses have collapsed due to faliure to plan and when you fail to plan, automatically, you have planned to fail. Early planning produces early result. Take some time and write down your vision for your business, this will guide you on how to run your business. 'What do you want to achieve from your business? What sort of lifestyle are you looking for? Once you’ve stated your vision, you can set some concrete goals. Maybe you want to gain more income,Or maybe you have a book that you’re itching to write. Or maybe you have an established business that you want to take to the next level. Must Read👉 Life and who you are. Whatever those goals are, write them down, and paste it in a place where you will see it each day. Then take each goal and break it down into smaller steps. By so doing, i...